Sunday, February 26, 2017

5 for Fr- The Weekend

 Well, since it is Sunday night I don't think I can even pretend that this is still a "real" Five for Friday post... However, I do like catching up, sharing the highlights of my week with you and linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching... So, I'm hoping we can just ignore my tardiness (like we do every week- but a lets do it a little more this week) and jump in!
So, you might remember that last week I told you about the Living Monument projects that my twins were working on that were taking over our lives being finished up.  Tuesday night our school turned into a Living Monument Museum and it was AWESOME!  It was so incredibly impressive!  The kids all did such an amazing job!  They all wrote and memorized fabulous speeches and the creativity was really just overwhelming. 

My son Matthew's project was about the Moai and Easter Island.

Danny's project was about Luxor Temple.  He is dressed up as the statue in the front of the temple- obviously ;).

They really did a great job.  I was so proud of them.  Our school's gifted teachers went totally above and beyond to make it an amazing experience that the kids are never going to forget.  (Even a "non-project-y mom like me was able to appreciate the full experience- and that's saying a lot!)

This week our math focus was time.  My fabulous intern set up a "human clock" in the gathering area.  It was so cute and so much fun!  The kids all chose cards with different times on them and then they used their body to indicate the time that was on their card.  The other students had to figure out what time they were portraying.  it was a really cute fun game.  They loved it!

Some times were easier than others to portray.  We laughed pretty hard as some of the kiddos tried to fold themselves up to show their time.  

It was not what I would call a "quiet, calm game" (but nothing really is with the group I have this year!).  However, it was very engaging!  The kids really loved it and it was super cute.  

We also finished up some soil experiments this week.  Two weeks ago we planed bean seeds in three different types of soil to see if there would be differences in their growth.  We thought the experiment had been a bust because there was NO action for a long time... Then, all of a sudden, those little bean plants sprouted and grew like crazy!  It was very, very exciting!

Earlier this year I wrote a Donors Choose project to purchase a large collection of inspirational books for my classroom.  I wanted to buy books to teach my students about perseverance and having a growth mindset.  I bought lots of biographies of inspirational people throughout history.  We have been focusing on 1-2 of these biographies each week and I really love the effect it is starting to have on my students.  They are starting to make comparisons between some of these people and are seeking out more information on their own.  It is really warming my heart.  

We read a book about Malala Yousafzai earlier this week and the students immediately made a connection between Malala and Ruby Bridges. They had the best conversation about how they were both brave and both heroes.  Sometimes they melt me. <3

(I purchased the poster set above HERE.)

Have you heard about this movie yet?  Friday night a huge group of teachers from my school went to see the movie and then went out for dinner and drinks.  It was SO MUCH FUN!  The movie was hilarious.  I loved it.  Silly and irreverent but so, so funny.  

And it is always so much fun to get together with everyone from work when we are not at work.  We don't do it nearly enough... Every time we do we swear we are going to make it a regular thing... then life gets in the way (kids, jobs, schedules, blah, blah, blah...) We really have to find a way to make it a priority!

I hope you had a fabulous weekend and I hope you have a great week!

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